Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters

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The Challenges of Implementing a "Similarity" System


In the context our project, we would like to extend our project to not only provide games directly based on a user’s preferences, but also further recommend games that are similar to the ones provided by our rule-based system. However, a challenge arises when we try to define the term “similar.” How do we know that a user will like a game that is similar in attributes to another? What makes certain types of games desirable if a user liked one particular game? To alleviate this problem, we decided that utilizing some sort of clustering, categorization, or machine learning technique would be beneficial.

To start with the most basic of techniques, first we need to numerically represent our knowledge base. This would need to be in the format of a vector:

< a1, a2, a3, a4 … an >

Where an is the numerical representation of some attribute of the game. For example, a1 may be the minimum number of players and a3 may be the number of minutes a game typically takes to play. One metric of game similarity would be the euclidean distance between the two vectors.

Minimizing distance would yield the two games that are most numerically similar to each other. To query such a system quickly, a data structure such as an octree or k-d tree could be used. It is also worthwhile to note that since each an would cover a different domain, it would be necessary to normalize each domain to a range of values such as (0.0, 1.0). Otherwise, attributes represented with large numeric domains would have a greater impact on the euclidean distance. This issues leads us into our next line of thought, weighting different attributes by their importance to the user.

One way of introducing importance into this equation is to add an additional constant to each attribute of the game, in this case cn, where cn is some value in the range (0.0, 1.0).

< c1*a1, c2*a2, c3*a3, c4*a4 … cn*an >

A cn value of 0 represents the least importance, as it makes the nth attribute have a value of 0 for all vectors. Conversely, a value of 1 represents the greatest importance to the user, as it allows that attribute to have the largest impact on the resulting distance.

An alternative method of achieving an “importance” when comparing attribute values is with gaussian curves. In this case, with the curve centered at μ = an, some value would be chosen (for example .75) and all values where curve is greater than .75 for each an would be accepted as “similar.” To introduce the idea of importance, σ can be changed for each n. A low σ results in a very narrow curve, and thusly a very narrow range of “similar” values in that axis, representing high importance, whereas a large σ results in a very wide range of values, representing a low importance.

In order for this method to work as intended, the curve would have to be scaled by a factor of σ such that the peak was always at a value of 1.0.

This method could also potentially be used for determining the “similarity” space for a set of multiple vectors (such as a user’s previously enjoyed games), but more on that later.

While these methods may be very effective for finding games that are very similar in terms of their attributes, however, much of what users desire involves variety in games. If the only recommendations made are games that are nearly identical, will the user benefit? Also, are there intangible factors that make games recommendable in relation to other games that are hard to represent numerically or via a set of rules? One solution to this issue is to use a machine learning system.

With a machine learning system, the experts themselves can train the system to identify games that would be appropriate for recommendation. The hope being that with enough input, the system itself will produce results similar to that of an expert. This may be accomplished through, for example, a neural network. First, the expert would be given an interface that would randomly, or at the choosing of the expert, provide two games; let’s call them Game A and Game B. The expert would choose, via some sort of slider UI element a value, with “Would never recommend” on one end of the spectrum and “Would highly recommend” on the other. This would be in reference to if the user enjoyed Game A considerably, the expert would “highly recommend” Game B to that user. The input pattern to the neural network would be the union of the two games’ attributes, such as the following:

< a1, a2, a3, a4 … an, b1, b2, b3, b4 … bn >

The network would then be trained with the output being a single floating point value, with 0 corresponding to “never recommend” and 1.0 corresponding to “highly recommend.” Once a sufficient amount of training data had been provided, the system should hypothetically be able to return a confidence factor, provided with two games, of whether if the user enjoyed the first, they would also enjoy the second.

The problem with this method lies in the performance of the system. If a certain number of recommendations are to be made, it would be preferable that those recommendations have the highest output from the neural network. This means that in order to arbitrarily find the best match, the entire dataset has to be fed through the network. If a large dataset exists, this will be very inefficient. A possible solution to this problem is to have a process running in the background, updating a sorted set of values for each vector with the output of the network using some sort of a caching system such as Memcached or Redis for storage. This way, the best results can be pulled quickly from the cache.

It would be necessary to also keep a database of the experts’ training data. This way, the network can be trained over as many epochs as necessary. This would also allow for different networks to be tested and trained with various architectural choices such as varying numbers of layers and learning rates. The training data could also be used for some other type of machine learning device, such as a Support Vector Machine.