Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters

Agile is so last year...

Meet the Team

We are the Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters (DRSNJM), a team of seniors at the Ohio State University building an expert system for our computer science capstone project. We enjoy doing development projects and have a very diverse collective skill set, as well as a wide range of work experience.

Alex Burkhart

Alex orginially went to Case Western Reserve before taking some time off to work at Rapleaf. Eventually, he decided to finish up school and is now a soon to be graduating CSE major.

Ryan McGowan

Ryan is a soon to be graduating senior majoring in Computer Science & Engineering. He loves new technologies and teaching people about them. Outside of the computer world Ryan likes water sports, archery and Doctor Who.

Chris Powers

Chris is a graduating senior in CSE. He was born and raised in Columbus. Outside of school, he enjoys biking, soccer, playing guitar, and playing video games.

David Albert

David is also a graduating senior in CSE. He plays on the OSU Club Water Polo Team and enjoys doing music and art projects in his free time.