Determine who is responsible for which tasks in Timebox #2. Bring David up to speed from the previous meeting. Arrange the first expert interview.
Several minor bookkeeping issues were discussed in regards to the github and pivotal tracker accounts. Utilizing tracker to log our team and individual progress was emphasized, and the procedures for doing so were decided on. An interview time was arranged with our first expert, Ray Chandler, from the Columbus Area Board Game Society. A location and time were determined.
The tracker was updated to include more detailed descriptions of the tasks due for Timebox #2. Ryan, Chris, and Alex are going to meet with Ray this evening for an interview. David is going to get started on the powerpoint presentation for the Tuesday status update. All members are going to complete any tasks assigned to them in the tracker: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/630615
- Ryan McGowan
- Chris Powers
- Alex Burkhart
- David Albert (scribe)
Kafe Kerouac and Remote (via campfire)