Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters

Agile is so last year...

Meeting 4: Project Selection



  • Continue assessing the requirements and difficulty of the most popular potential projects
  • Select a project in which everyone is interested


The AI Search project that was initially very popular, grew less favorable, as did the Reading Leveler. Multiple members pointed out ways in which these projects were overly complex or difficult to define. In particular, on the Reading Leveler, pre-existing conventions for defining reading levels are rather poorly defined. Alex stated that he consulted a friend studying education, and discovered that reading levels are only fairly well defined through about the fifth grade. Chris pointed out that it would be very difficult to assess the effectiveness and accuracy of any such application without rigid rules. Ryan pointed out that the AI Search project could end up being much more complicated than the other alternatives.

The board game recommendation engine seemed the best option to everyone. The team would have access to experts, and the project clearly met all the specifications given by the instructor.


The team agreed that the board game recommendation engine would be the group’s capstone project.


  • Ryan McGowan
  • Chris Powers (scribe)
  • Alex Burkhart
  • David Albert


Dreese Labs