Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters

Agile is so last year...

Meeting 2: Team Name Creation



  • Continue discussing topic ideas.
  • Choose a team name.


We came up with several more topics. Those created during our first meeting (1-6) are included for completeness.

  1. AI Search
  2. Board Ultimatum – Alex
  3. Determine the time of day for a given photo – David
  4. Music Genre Classifier – David
  5. Poetry Generator – Chris
  6. Music Generator from arbitrary data – Ryan
  7. Craig’s list recommendations – Ryan
  8. Blog categorizer – Ryan
  9. Twitter friend suggester – Ryan
  10. Log analysis – Ryan
  11. Schedule Helper – Ryan
  12. Beauty Pageant – Ryan
  13. Reading Leveler - Determine what reading level a given piece of text is. – Ryan
  14. Text-to-Origin Machine - Guess the origin of a block of text using only the text itself. – Ryan

Creating a Team Name

Finding the concept of overly zealous agile and scrum teams rather hilarious the name Scrum Ninjas was suggested. However, we were worried that it might be a name that an overly zealous agile and/or scrum team might actual use. Not wanting to be confused with people who actually think a name like Scrum Ninjas is clever we decided alterations were necessary.

Accordingly, we made the name more ridiculous by appending Jedi Masters and finally prepending Dinosaur Riding.


During this meeting we decided that topic 1 did not sounds as interesting or fun as 2 or 13. Thus, we adjourned with the intention of picking one or the other during our next meeting.

We picked the team name: Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters (DRSNJM).


  • Ryan McGowan (scribe)
  • Chris Powers
  • Alex Burkhart
  • David Albert


Dreese Labs