Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters

Agile is so last year...

Interview 3: Jeff Kayati


For more information about Jeff Kayati see the experts page.

A recording of the interview is accessible here.


Beyond reiterating significant attributes we’ve heard from previous experts Jeff also suggested that the user be able to specify whether or not they want to learn a new game or not. Although we are not tracking user plays we could return more varied results in this case.

Jeff also suggested that we allow the user to access the similarity engine directly. That is, a user can query for a game with specific attributes or he or she can enter another game they like and get a recommendation from that.

Since the published playtime of a game is often far shorter than actual plays to new board game players Jeff suggested adjusting playtime based on player skill level.

Similar to Jeff Horger’s suggestion that we filter by publisher, Kayati also suggested we allow filtering on designer. Also like Jeff Horger, Kayati though allowing the user to exclude certain attributes is very important.


The Soldiery, Inc.
4256 N. High St
Columbus, Ohio 43214