Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters

Agile is so last year...

Meeting 9: Starting Development



  • Get development environment setup for everyone
  • Go over how we are using Clojure, Noir and Bootstrap to create our web app.
  • Plans for next week.
  • Post David’s machine learning thoughts.


We discussed installing leiningen, a dependency and project helper tool for Clojure projects. The alternative to using leiningen is maven, which is a bit difficult to manage and more complex than we need.

We also discussed how Clojure, Noir and Boostrap fit into our web application. Clojure is a LISP that runs on the JVM. It’s general purpose but with Noir (a micro web framework written in Clojure) we can use Clojure to easily make a fully featured website.

Bootstrap assists by providing sane default styles and lots of additional Javascript based functionality. We will be generating our CSS resources using the LESS files included with Bootstrap.


  • David got leiningen set up on his computer.
  • Chris and David are up to speed with the basic implementation design of the front-end.

Outgoing Responsibilities

  • Alex is going to contact our experts and set up interviews.
  • David and Chris on going to work on getting their environments set up.
  • Ryan will setup bootstrap and a nice default layout.


  • Ryan McGowan (scribe)
  • Chris Powers
  • David Albert


Thompson Café.