Dinosaur Riding Scrum Ninja Jedi Masters

Agile is so last year...

Meeting 7



Discuss the requirements for second deliverable. Set goals for each team member for the next week.


We reviewed what would be necessary for the next milestone. In particular, we tried to nail down how we will model the data within the system.

We discussed how the data would flow through the system. We needed to determine exactly how we’d handle obtaining data from the user of the system, and how that would translate into a query for a recommendation.

We have tentatively proposed a system that involves multiple discrete components. A Filter step, a Inference step, and Learning step. Filtering would include removing games that do not match basic criteria such as Game Length or Number of Players. The remaining games would be sent forward into the Inference Engine. This is where we will use expert information to find games that fit the remaining criteria. Next we will send the games into a step that finds games similar to the games recommended by the Inference Engine. These games are then filtered again for basic criteria fitness.

This system has the advantage of separating the recommendations into independent components which we can provide a clear division of work, experiement with different ideas, and analyze the algorithms’ performance.


Chris is going to upload photos of the dataflow charts we created. Ryan volunteered to make a digital version of the dataflow chart. Alex will begin scheduling expert interviews with CABS members, with special emphasis to members of the CABS Design Group. Alex will also publish this meeting’s notes on the website.


  • Ryan McGowan
  • Chris Powers
  • Alex Burkhart (scribe)

David was unable to make it for the meeting time we had arranged. He let us know ahead of time that he would be unavailable.


Physics Research Building first floor lobby.